Activity 1: Self-Reflection Journal



To help educational leaders and teachers reflect on their leadership practices and identify areas where foresight can improve decision-making and strategic planning.


Learning Target:

Participants will understand how foresight can be applied to their current leadership and teaching roles, enhancing their ability to anticipate future challenges and opportunities.

Purpose of the Activity:

By keeping a self-reflection journal, participants will develop foresight by regularly considering future outcomes and how their current actions influence those outcomes.



1. Set up your journal: Choose a physical journal or digital format (Google Docs, Word, or a journaling app).

2. Reflect on prompts: Use the provided prompts or create your own to reflect on your current leadership practices and future challenges.

Example prompts:

What major trends do I see emerging in education, and how might they impact my school/classroom?

How can I prepare my students/teachers for the next 5 years?

What obstacles may hinder my future goals, and how can I mitigate them now?

3. Journal regularly: Commit to writing at least twice a week, focusing on how foresight is playing a role in your decision-making.


What You’ll Need:

Journal (physical or digital)

List of prompts (provided on the website)



Next Step: After journaling for four weeks, review your entries. Identify any recurring themes, patterns, or insights. Consider how your foresight has improved over time and write a summary of your growth.


Rubric for Reflection:

Depth of Reflection (1-5): How deeply are you considering potential future outcomes and strategies?

Consistency (1-5): Are you journaling regularly and thoughtfully?

Application of Foresight (1-5): Are you linking reflections to future planning and leadership decisions?


Activity 2: Scenario Planning Exercise


To practice the application of foresight by developing strategies to address future challenges in educational settings.


Learning Target:

Participants will enhance their ability to anticipate and plan for future challenges, developing practical solutions that can be implemented in real-world situations.


Purpose of the Activity:

Scenario planning helps leaders create proactive strategies to address potential challenges, allowing them to navigate uncertainties effectively.



1. Identify a challenge: Choose a future challenge your school or district may face (e.g., student enrollment decline, integration of new technologies, policy changes).

2. Brainstorm scenarios: Think of 2-3 possible ways this challenge might unfold (best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios).

3. Develop strategies: For each scenario, outline strategies you would implement to address the challenge.

4. Collaborate: Share your scenarios with a peer or team and discuss their perspectives and additional strategies.


What You’ll Need:

Scenario Planning Worksheet (available for download)

Time for brainstorming and discussion (1-2 hours)



Next Step: Write a summary of the scenarios you developed and the strategies you came up with. What did you learn from considering multiple outcomes? How will this influence your future planning?


Rubric for Scenario Planning:

Clarity of Scenarios (1-5): Are the scenarios clear, detailed, and realistic?

Strategic Thinking (1-5): Are the strategies effective and aligned with foresight principles?

Collaboration (1-5): How well did you incorporate feedback from peers?


Activity 3: Group Discussion



To foster collaborative learning by discussing foresight insights and strategies with peers.


Learning Target:

Participants will learn from each other’s experiences, refining their foresight abilities and applying shared strategies to their own leadership contexts.

Purpose of the Activity:

Group discussions allow leaders to share experiences, compare strategies, and collaboratively improve foresight practices.



1. Prepare your thoughts: Before the discussion, review your journal and scenario planning exercise. Choose one insight or challenge to share with the group.

2. Participate in the discussion: During the discussion (either in-person or virtually), share your experiences and listen to others. Take note of ideas that resonate with you.

3. Collaborate on foresight strategies: Work together to identify common challenges and brainstorm solutions that can be implemented in different educational contexts.


What You’ll Need:

Access to a group discussion platform (Zoom, Google Meet, or in-person).

A notetaking tool (physical or digital).



Next Step: Write a reflection on what you learned from your peers and how you plan to apply new strategies in your school or classroom.


Rubric for Group Discussion:

Engagement (1-5): How actively did you participate in the discussion?

Collaboration (1-5): Did you effectively contribute to and build on others’ ideas?

Application of Ideas (1-5): Are you able to apply the insights gained to your professional context?


Alternative for Activity 3: Independent Reflection Paper (If Group Discussion is Not Possible)


To independently reflect on foresight strategies by synthesizing insights from personal experiences and learning materials.


Learning Target:

Participants will analyze their own reflections and foresight strategies, applying what they’ve learned to their leadership or teaching context.


Purpose of the Activity:

This alternative allows participants to engage in deep reflection on their foresight growth without requiring group interaction.




  1. Review your journal and scenarios: Look over your entries from the Self-Reflection Journal and Scenario Planning exercises.
  2. Synthesize insights: Write a 2-3 page reflection paper that summarizes:
  • Key foresight strategies you’ve developed.
  • How you plan to use foresight in your current role.
  • Any future trends or challenges you anticipate in your school or district.
  1. Link to materials: Include references to the resources you’ve engaged with (articles, videos, books) to demonstrate how foresight concepts are shaping your practice.


What You’ll Need:

  • Access to your journal and scenario planning notes.
  • Reflection prompts (can be adapted from group discussion prompts).



  • Next Step: Submit your reflection paper or save it for future professional development use. Consider how you can apply your insights to future projects or challenges.


Rubric for Independent Reflection Paper:

  • Depth of Reflection(1-5): How well have you synthesized personal and professional experiences with foresight principles?
  • Clarity and Insight(1-5): Are your foresight strategies clear, practical, and insightful?
  • Application of Learning(1-5): How well have you connected foresight concepts to real-world challenges in your leadership or teaching role?

Activity 4: Real-World Challenge


To apply foresight principles to solve a current challenge in your educational setting.


Learning Target:

Participants will directly apply their learning by solving real-world problems, using foresight principles to anticipate and address future challenges.


Purpose of the Activity:

This activity enables participants to put foresight into practice, addressing an existing issue with a future-oriented approach.



1. Identify a challenge: Choose a real-world challenge in your school or district (e.g., improving student outcomes, managing teacher workload, preparing for new policy changes).

2. Apply foresight: Using what you’ve learned, develop a foresight-driven plan to address the challenge. Consider both immediate actions and long-term impacts.

3. Implement your plan: Put your strategy into practice and track the results.

4. Document your process: Keep a log of your actions, challenges encountered, and how you adapted along the way.


What You’ll Need:

A specific challenge to address.

A way to track progress (e.g., a project management tool or notebook).

Collaboration with colleagues (if needed).



Next Step: Write a report summarizing your challenge, the foresight strategy you implemented, and the results. Share your report with your peers or present it during a follow-up group discussion.


Rubric for Real-World Challenge:

Clarity of Problem (1-5): Is the challenge well-defined and realistic?

Application of Foresight (1-5): How effectively did you apply foresight principles?

Outcome and Reflection (1-5): Were your strategies successful, and how well did you reflect on the process?

Alternative for Activity 4: Case Study Analysis (If Data and Resources Are Unavailable for Real-World Challenge)


To apply foresight principles through analysis of an educational leadership case study, focusing on future challenges and solutions.


Learning Target:

Participants will practice foresight by analyzing a real-world educational leadership scenario and proposing future-oriented strategies.


Purpose of the Activity:

This alternative helps participants engage with foresight concepts when they are unable to access real-world data or conduct live projects.



  1. Choose a case study: Select a case study relevant to educational leadership (a provided list or an online resource can be used).
  2. Identify challenges: Read the case study and identify the key leadership challenges presented.
  3. Apply foresight principles: Develop a strategy that incorporates foresight to address the challenges. Consider how the situation might unfold in the future and propose solutions for short- and long-term outcomes.
  4. Write your analysis: Write a 2-3 page analysis, summarizing the case study and the foresight strategies you would use to address the challenges.


What You’ll Need:

  • Access to an educational leadership case study (provided or researched online).
  • Access to foresight resources from the playlist.



  • Next Step: After completing the case study analysis, compare your proposed strategies with existing case study solutions (if available) or submit your work for peer or instructor review.


Rubric for Case Study Analysis:

  • Understanding of Case Study(1-5): How well have you grasped the key challenges presented?
  • Application of Foresight(1-5): How effectively have you applied foresight principles to address the challenges?
  • Clarity of Analysis(1-5): Is your analysis clear, well-structured, and supported by foresight concepts?